Technology Access Program

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What We Offer

At GrissHaus we make the internet feel like home. We combine powerful networking technology with cutting edge compute resources to fuel a seamless user experience.

Creative and informative blogs and new networking opportunities.

Gaming servers for communities of friends.


Blazing fast fiber for the best Website hosting.

Our Work

Meet our Creators

This month’s showcase creators span the gamut from health coaches to aspiring authors and tech entrepreneurs.

Alchemy By Abby

“As a health coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, I focus on using food as medicine and creating a lifestyle of balance to help my clients build greater health. Together, we can investigate the root causes of your health concerns and help you feel like you again.” – Abby

Grissino Publishing

Offering exciting title like “ChatGPT for Business” and introducing new content in form or blogs, videos, tutorials, and more.

Plural Energy

We offer shares in solar projects, wind projects, and other green and renewable assets to help you build a robust portfolio in the rapidly growing clean energy sector.
Our curated offerings feature vetted clean energy assets with attractive returns and meaningful environmental impact.


Highlight Articles

  • Hello world!

    This is my first Blog post since migrating my servers. I’ve made some big changes to my stack, and I will be sharing with all of you soon! Some changes were for security, some for economy, and others just for ease of use and reliability. Im excited to get this website spun up and…